Finding the best applicants for each role is the key to success for many employers. Since most applicants find you online, you need to improve your online presence to increase your applicant flow.
Through your hiring process, you put online job applicants through a series of actions in order to find the best, and it should come as no surprise that online job applicants do the same.
This means that you need to make the best impression on these applicants, and you achieve that by improving your online presence.
What does your online presence tell candidates?
Research from SHRM tells us that candidates choose opportunities based on: company culture (23%), career progression (22%) and benefits (19%).
How to Improve Your Online Presence:
To boost your likelihood of having candidates apply to your company, you need to take a critical look at these three items and make adjustments as you see fit.
1. Do you have a dedicated careers page that allows applicants to search job location and job type?
You want to catch the “just browsing” candidates and get them to look at something specific.
2. On your career page, do you have a variety of real pictures and video testimonials from several employees who enthusiastically talk about their experience?
Showing career growth and diversity examples are great. Do not use stock photos! Invest in good photography within your company.
Also, video is king, so if you’ve not taken the leap into video, it is time. Millennials and GenZ are the largest workforce to attract, and they want video. Here are 6 specific examples of great videos.
3. Do you make it easy for them to apply?
If you have an ATS system that requires online job applicants to cut and paste each of their resume experience versus a single resume upload, then you will lose out on a percentage of online job applicants. We need to lower the obstacles of an online application.
What are your tips?
If you have other best practices for attracting more online job applicants, I’d enjoy hearing them in the comments below or on a call. Happy Hiring!